David's guides

Last Updated: March 30, 2025
(Added guide to giving your first TEDx talk)

  1. Aaron Ross - Predictable Revenue
  2. Angela Duckworth - Grit
  3. Ben Greenfield - Boundless
  4. Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor
  5. Brian Tracy - Eat That Frog
  6. Christopher Browne - The Little Book of Value Investing
  7. Chris Smith - The Conversion Code
  8. Chris Voss - Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
  9. Dan Kennedy - No B.S. Direct Marketing
  10. Darren Hardy - The Compound Effect - Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success
  11. David Allen - Getting Things Done
  12. David Meerman Scott - The New Rules of Marketing and PR
  13. David Zulberg - The Life Transforming Diet - Based on Health and Psychological Principles of the Rambam (Maimonides)
  14. Donald Miller - Building a Storybrand
  15. Dr. Jill Crista - Break The Mold
  16. Eric Ries - Lean Startup
  17. Frank Shallenberger - The Ozone Miracle
  18. Garrett Sutton - How to Use Limited Liability Companies & Limited Partnerships: Getting the Most Out of Your Legal Structure
  19. Geoffrey Moore - Crossing The Chasm
  20. Geoff Smart & Randy Street - Who- The A Method for Hiring
  21. Guy Kawasaki - The Art of the Start 2.0
  22. Hal Elrod - The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)
  23. Jason Fried - ReWork - Change the Way You Work Forever
  24. Jason Kelly - The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
  25. Jeffrey Fox - How to Become a Rainmaker
  26. Jeffrey May - My House Is Killing Me
  27. Jeff Walker - Launch
  28. Jeremy J. Siegel - Stocks for the Long Run
  29. Jessica Livingston - Founders at Work
  30. Jocko Willink & Leif Babin - Extreme Ownership
  31. John Warrillow - The Automatic Customer
  32. Jonah Berger - Contagious - Why Things Catch On
  33. J.J. Luna - How to Be Invisible - The Essential Guide to Protecting Your Personal Privacy, Your Assets and Your Life
  34. John Bogle - The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
  35. Kasia Kines - The Epstein-Barr Virus Solution - The Hidden Undiagnosed Epidemic of a Virus Destroying Millions of Lives through Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer
  36. Kenneth Blanchard - The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey
  37. Kevin Kruse - 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management
  38. Leah Masel - The Kosher Gut Plan
  39. Lee Hadnum - The Worlds Best Tax Havens 2017/2018 - How to Keep your Taxes this Year and Safeguard your Financial Freedom
  40. Marcus Sheridan - They Ask, You Answer
  41. Mark J. Kohler - The Tax and Legal Playbook
  42. Mark Manson - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
  43. Neil Nathan - Healing Is Possible: New Hope for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Persistent Pain, and Other Chronic Illnesses
  44. Neil Pasricha - The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything
  45. Nir Eyal - Hooked
  46. Rabbi Chay Amar - To Be or to Become? Get the Life You Want. Develop the Power of Positive Perspective
  47. Ray Dalio - Principles
  48. Ray Edwards - How to Write Copy That Sells
  49. Richard Bayan -Words That Sell
  50. Rhonda Byrne - The Secret
  51. Russell Brunson - DotCom Secrets
  52. Russell Brunson - Expert Secrets
  53. Ryan Holiday - Trust Me, I'm Lying
  54. Steve Krug - Don't Make Me Think
  55. Tim Ash - Landing Page Optimization
  56. Timothy Ferriss - Tools of Titans
  57. Travis Bradberry - Emotional Intelligence 2.0
  58. Verne Harnish - Scaling Up
  59. Yuval Noah Harari - Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Disclaimer: The information on this website is for informational purposes only and not legal, accounting, investment or financial advice.

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